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Written thoughts

Ingvild Sætre

Jeg vil bare titte innom og dele litt av min opplevelse med dere. Jeg sitter igjen med mye kunnskap og et større hjerte etter dette kurset. Jeg har ikke så mye jeg vil dele i dag. Jeg føler bildene snakker for seg selv🧡 Ønsker alle en super helg!

Masse kjærlighet fra meg, Ingvild Sætre.

Ingvild Sætre

Wow. It feels like the last month has been one big trip. I've asked myself every morning at 06 am in meditation class "who am I?" and now I finally know. I am a certified yoga teacher!! Hihhihi, all jokes aside- I am so proud of myself. I can really feel it deep in my bones - that this was the right choice. This was only the first step in my journey. I have set myself a goal, and I am highly motivated to make the goal my reality. You know when you just feel that something is right? Well, that's how I feel right now. I just know. This is my call.

The last four months has been really intense. I've learned much more than I thought I was able to. My body is much stronger than my mind thinks. It is my mind that limits me. That is something I really understood throughout the course. If I had a good day and were in a good mood, my performance in yoga-class was way better - just because I trusted myself and my abilities. If I was feeling low on energy or sad one day, I felt afraid to trust myself in challenging poses and did not feel self-secure.. My tears was literally on my yoga-mat. It became clear to me that my internal world equals my external world.

I learned throughout the whole course, but the last week after being used to the yogic lifestyle - I absolutely learned the most. I learned how my ego is stopping me. Attachment to my own ideas and thoughts is what's limits me. Trusting my own thoughts of "I am not strong enough" or "I am not good enough"is only ruining me. I am only the observer. I am not my thoughts. I am not my body. My body is just a personality for my soul. I am the observer of my thoughts. Of my body. Of my sensations. Of my awereness. That is exactly what yoga teaches me. It teaches me to observe my body and my thoughts - even when I feel uncomfortable or tired. Yoga is really a great practice, not only to stay healthy and flexible - but to quiet down the mind and to be able to remove the ego and just observe.

As a yoga-teacher I really want to focus on this in my classes. Yes, we will move. Yes, we will use our strength. Yes, we will sweat. But we will also dive deeper into ourselves as spiritual beings - in the pursuit of truth. I am thinking about offering yoga-classes for a small fee for those who are interested. I really want to start teaching right away, so that I can continue to learn and grow as a teacher and as an individual. If this applies to you or you feel curious to turn your focus inwards - please write to me here. You do not need any experience - I will teach you🤍

Lots of love, Ingvild Sætre

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